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Staying Cozy On Halloween Night

Staying cozy on Halloween night

Staying cozy on Halloween night

Having left trick-or-treating behind long ago, what's a parent to do once the kids are off to college or all grown up themselves? While it's always a kind gesture to leave the front lights on and hand out candy to the ghosts, witches and superheroes sure to swing by your house, enjoying the moments in between doorbell ringing is essential too. Hoping to have a fun Halloween night staying in and staying cozy with your significant other? Consider this checklist of evening activities.

Put the finishing touches on your devious decorations
Halloween is primarily about two things - candy and creepy decorations. While you want to be sure you've stocked up on candy well in advance, Halloween afternoon is the perfect time to put some last minute touches on your creepy scarecrows, eerie gravestones and spooky cobwebs. Just in time for the trick-or-treaters!

Peruse pictures of Halloween past
While dinner's in the oven (or on its way to be delivered, because sometimes nothing's as satisfying as a hot pizza on a chilly night), why not pour two glasses of wine for you and your loved one and prep the photo albums - digital or physical. Whether you're scrolling through an iPad or turning the pages of an old binder, you're sure to be taken down memory lane as you look at pictures of old costumes and long-ago Halloween parties. Maybe you'll get some stylish inspiration for next year!

Enjoy a ghoulishly good meal
Once the food is ready, settle in and enjoy. If you're cooking at home, some seasonal pumpkin- or squash-based dishes could be the perfect fare. How about pumpkin soup served in the pumpkin itself? Look up some easy and fun recipes online.

Prep your delicious dessert
Remember to save room for dessert! Skip the candy and instead pile up a bowl of ice cream that you can bring into the living room.

Enjoy a frightening flick
Grab a blanket, light a fire and turn on a spooky movie. The night's sure to be cool, so radiant heat is a great way to stay warm. With all your decorating, cooking and nostalgic reminiscing, the last things you want to worry about are utility bills or carbon footprints. Radiant heat solves both of these problems for you, meaning you can relax and enjoy your Halloween to the fullest.

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