Lumidesign LED Mirror Specs including Lumens LUX, defogger


What are the specs of the Lumidesign LED mirrors?  What size is the defogger?

Defoggers are 15" square.

Here are the lumens for each model.

Amber 22x40 - 3600, 24x48 - 3600. All cabinets (20x40, 24x40,48x40):  3600

Amy  24x40 - 1200

Carol 24x36 - 2400, 36x36 - 3600, 48x48 - 4800

Clara  30x30 - 5400, 26x37 - 6000, 46x37 - 7800, 66x30 - 9000

Isabel  24x36 - 4000, 36x36 - 5000

Jen  24x36 - 5400, 36x36 - 5000

Kelly  24x36 - 3600, 24x48 - 4800, 36x36 - 3600, 36x48 - 4800, 48x36 - 3600

Lucy  28 -3600, 30 - 3600, 36 - 4800

Michelle  21x30 - 3300

Sarah  24x36 - 2400, 36x36 - 3600, 48x48 - 4800

All of the spec sheets are attached.  

Written by Scott Rosenbaum
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