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5 Common Bathroom Remodeling Mistakes

5 Common Bathroom Remodeling Mistakes

Home improvement can be an exciting yet terrifying process if you are not a professional. If you are planning on remodeling your bathroom, here is a list of 5 common bathroom-remodeling mistakes to avoid.

bathroom remodeling mistakes

Budgeting: Each of us wants to have the bathroom of our dreams. Yet if you are dreaming big, your bathroom may become a nightmare once you’ve seen the cost. According to Remodeling Magazine the average cost of remodeling a bathroom is $16,634. When remodeling your bathroom, keep in mind this average and budget more. Many people come across problems that add extra costs to the budget they originally planned. Obstacles such as mold or water damage may be hiding in your bathroom and you didn’t have a clue! Make sure to allow for a little bit more than the average cost of remodeling a bathroom in your budget, that way you have some room for any problems that come your way. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

Trends: Remember the times when you’d walk into a bathroom and wood paneled walls with avocado green colored sinks and toilets surrounded you? That was a huge trend in the 70’s wasn’t it? Although it was popular back then, most people would be horrified to have a bathroom like that today. Many homeowners make the mistake of designing their bathroom with the most recent trend, yet in a few years they find themselves regretting it as soon as another trend comes along. Luckily, you can never go wrong with neutral colors for a clean and fresh look. And consider adding electric radiant floor heating installed under the flooring, a luxury that can never go out of style.

Buying Cheap: Everyone loves a great bargain! While it's important not to overspend on your bathroom remodel, it's equally important not to try to save money in the small areas. Sink or shower fixtures that were only a few bucks will need to be replaced in a few years. Cheap cabinets or mirrors can break easily and cause frustration and will also need replacement as well. And do you really need all those flimsy towel racks on the wall because you bought them on sale? Your budget should include features and furnishings that are durable and manufactured with quality material in order for you to get the most bang for your buck.

bathroom remodeling mistakes

Function: Let’s face it, it is easy to get swept up in the fun stuff such as paint colors, tiles, and unique fixtures, which makes you forget that the space is about function first, then form. You wouldn’t want your knees pressed up against the shower while you're sitting on the toilet, would you? So before you start demolishing your bathroom and moving everything around, make sure you have a planned layout for where you want everything to go while keeping in mind the clearance and distances.

DIY: DIY projects are not only fun and challenging but they can also boost your self-esteem if you achieved your desired outcome. Yet when it comes to remodeling a bathroom, it’s not a bad idea to hire a professional. If you are not sure of how to do a specific task while remodeling and you accidentally make a mistake, it can drain your wallet. So instead of going off of a whim to rebuild your bathroom by yourself, you can read our recent post on Finding a Reputable Contractor and hire a professional that can help you achieve your dream bathroom without risk.

Now that you know what to avoid, we hope you have a successful remodel that will last a long time and add value and comfort to your home and your lifestyle.

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