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WarmlyYours Gives Back: Rupert’s Kids Ladies Night Out

WarmlyYours Gives Back: Rupert’s Kids Ladies Night Out

“LIFE IS GOOD. BE YOU. GIVE BACK.” This is one of the many motivations that Rupert Boneham, teen mentor and reality television star from “Survivor: Pearl Islands,” encourages when it comes to the youth in our culture.

Boneham’s program, Rupert’s Kids, is full of vibrant supporters who reach out to the struggling youth in the community to help mold their life into one that is healthy and productive. Rupert’s Kids provides mentoring and vocational training to their members, as well as parks and recreation programs.

Who wouldn’t want to take part in supporting such an admirable program? Not only do their members learn valuable job skills and methods to become more independent, but they also develop a sense of confidence and self worth. That’s why WarmlyYours was pleased to have an opportunity to support the “Rupert’s Kids’ 4th Annual Ladies Night Out” benefit, which took place earlier this month.

Rupert Boneham and WarmlyYours

An evening bidding on clothes, jewelry, and home décor makes for a perfect ladies night out! It’s for a great cause and it was an exciting event; so needless to say, we wasted no time making our “warm” donation to their silent auction! We gladly donated two very popular products, our Infinity Towel Warmer and our Under Desk Heater.

The “warm and fuzzy” feeling that comes with supporting a great cause was not the only reward we received. Rupert generously gave us an autographed picture of himself sporting his trademark tie-dye shirt and contagious smile. And, his joyful and passionate personality is more than repaid by the overwhelming happiness and gratitude of Rupert’s Kids for his selfless work.

Though WarmlyYours always focuses on bringing warmth to all of our friends, Rupert definitely sent the warmth of his kindness and generosity right back our way. This organization is amazing and inspirational, and we feel fortunate to have had the chance to play a small part in it. Life really is good when you pay it forward!

More about Rupert’s Kids

Rupert's Kids is an organization dedicated to serving an easily overlooked population of youth: those that have become too old for the youth social service system, but are not old enough for the adult social service system. They teach these youth valuable skills and trades, while also empowering them to discover their inner strengths, passions and interests. Their mission is to empower youth to discover their inner strengths, realize their own self worth and recognize their value to society. Visit them online at www.rupertskids.com.

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