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Turning Your Walk In Closet Into A Home Office Combo

Turning your walk-in closet into a home office combo

Turning your walk-in closet into a home office combo

As the sizes of closets continue to grow, some homeowners find themselves adapting the space for alternative purposes. A few of these fit well with alongside furnishings you use daily, such as a vanity and mirrors, a drafting table for personal fashion design or even a soaking tub and spa amenities. But perhaps one of the best uses for the space is as a small home office. If you don't need much more than a desk, computer and a little shelf space, you might not find a quieter and more efficient area than the unused corner of your walk-in closet.

If the idea of a cozy writing nook or carefully organized office cubby appeals to you, consider some of these steps for making it more comfortable. Your closet will only benefit from it.

1. Install great lighting and take advantage of windows. A home office benefits just as much from natural light as your wardrobe does, not to mention it's a good source of energy and inspiration to have a window nearby. Once the sun is down, pick warm lighting for your writing nook. You want the space to be comfortable and not harshly lit in white light.

2. Design your own shelving and cabinets. Since you have limited space, make the most of it. Carefully arrange your own cabinets and shelves so as to take maximum advantage your area. Surround walls with open shelving and don't be afraid to install them high - keep a step-ladder handy for hard-to-reach books or folders. Instead of bland and bulky filing cabinets, consider using cubbies or pigeon holes to organize papers.

3. Splurge on a chair. As a small home office, your writing nook will probably only have one piece of furniture other than a desk - your chair. So don't pinch pennies on it and get yourself something nice that toes the line between comfort and efficiency. You don't want to be nodding off mid-project, after all.

Following your closet and home office renovations, consider making your home more comfortable by adding radiant floor heating to your bedroom and bathroom. Radiant heat is an eco-friendly way to avoid the allergy and asthma troubles associated with central heat ducts. Don't let the closet become the only comfortable room in the house.

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