Snow Melt Controller Requirements By State


Some states require a sensor that reads the slab's temperature.  If so, quote the SCP-120 or Multi Zone Snow controls.

Rhode Island Conservation / Energy Code - Section 403-8 Requires automatic controls that allow the unit to shut off when the slab reaches a temperature of 50F.

2020 Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State

From the Code Enforcement Guide: If applicable, do snow- and ice-melting systems include automatic controls configured to shut off the system when the pavement temperature is above 50°F and precipitation is not falling, and control that can shut off when the outdoor temperature is above 40°F? See the attached Screen shot of the code.

The SCP-120 and the ZoneBraker should comply with the requirements of this code, since the control remains off at temperatures above 38 and has a slab temperature OT sensor that can be configured to turn off at 50F. The control also has a manual ON-OFF switch.

Written by Scott Rosenbaum
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