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Planning Comfort And Safety Driven Improvements In Your Toddler's Room

Planning comfort and safety-driven improvements in your toddler's room.
Planning comfort and safety-driven improvements in your toddler

As your baby grows out of his crib and starts to make his way around your home, you may be thinking about a few child-proof improvements that can make his room a much safer place. Your son may get into all kinds of trouble in the next few years, so it's vital to remove many of the potentially dangerous furnishings and features in the room and incorporate a few improvements that will emphasize safety and comfort. Here are a few ways to get started.

1. Low-impact surfaces. Toddlers are far more mobile than we give them credit for, so it's vital that you have a soft surface for your child to play on in case he has a mishap. Carpet or hardwood floors with strategically-placed area rugs are great choices that will provide a safe surface for your child to enjoy. While you're at it, you can also incorporate radiant heat flooring underneath your existing floor coverings. These electric systems can be installed under just about any flooring type and will provide a comfortable atmosphere for your child.

2. Low shelves. From the moment your child learns to crawl, he will begin to gravitate to areas that contain toys and other fun stuff to play with. For this reason, it's important to keep his toy chest, stuffed animals and other items on low shelving. This will put everything at his level and prevent him from climbing on furniture, which could lead to a nasty fall or the furniture itself falling as well, reports TLC.com.

3. Choking hazards. Choking hazards are a huge concern for parents, and there are myriad items in a child's room that could pose a potential risk. According to BabySleepSite.com, a good rule of thumb is to remove any item that could fit inside of an empty toilet paper roll. You should also look into products like cordless window blinds and shades, as these are typically the most common choking risks in a child's room.

As your toddler begins to start roaming around the house, it's vital that his room will be a worry-free zone you can rely on. By taking into account a few of these improvements, your child can make a seamless transition from the crib to the bed and begin to explore his environment freely.

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