Flashing Green Light on SCV-DUAL:
When the LCD-8 operates normally, its green LED is lit continuously. Under an alarm condition, this LED will flash rapidly—on and off twice a second. The alarm may or may not inhibit operation, depending on circumstances.
Three possible conditions exist which initiates an alarm:
• Bad cup thermistor. If the cup thermistor is bad, the unit will not do automatic snow melting. The rationale is that we can’t turn on the cupheater without risking damage to the unit; and if snow or freezing rain
falls with the cup cold, it may stay there for weeks, and the unit would never shut off. The manual hold-on cycle will work.
• Bad ambient thermistor. If the ambient thermistor is bad, the unit will
operate normally if it is configured as a precipitation sensor; if it is configured as a snow sensor, it will not do automatic snow melting. The manual
hold-on cycle will work.
• Corrupted configuration. If the configuration is corrupted, the unit will
operate under its default configuration.
The bad thermistor alarms will clear if the thermistor repairs itself. The corrupted configuration alarm will clear if the unit is reconfigured: in that case the user
is advised to cycle power, confirming reconfiguration.