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Turning Your Garage Into An Art Or Music Studio

Turning your garage into an art or music studio

Turning your garage into an art or music studio

The garage is a great space to use in ways it was never intended. Whether you've got one car in a two car garage or happen to live in one of those rust-free Southwestern climates where parking outside is always an option, consider finding a new use for your garage.

Cars take up a lot of room, so if you've managed to move those out of your garage - or perhaps just one out of a two car garage - consider taking that space and converting it into something brand new, like an art or music studio.

We all have hobbies, but rarely do we have a particular space to devote to them. Perhaps you're a burgeoning novelist in search of a writing space, somewhere to put your bookshelves and piles of inspiration. Perhaps you're a ceramist with a throwing wheel but nowhere to keep it. Have you always wanted to put a band together with a few of your guy pals or girl friends? From the retiree to the new homeowner, everyone needs a room of one's own to pursue that special drive.

If you're going to turn your garage into a brand new creative outlet, consider some of this design and decor advice along the way.

1. Keep it bright. This is a must for any visual artist, but even for the poet who works best by candlelight, have the option to flush your space with sun during daytime hours. Windows bring in natural light, which is great for the brain and general creativity. And don't forget that garage door if you're looking for a little fresh air as well.

2. Have a variety of seating. Hard bottom wood chairs to keep you attentive, stools to force you to balance, armchairs for reading and a comfortable long couch for day dreams and naps. All of these are essential for creative energy.

3. Soundproof. If you're a musician, you won't mind your neighbors knowing, just make sure they don't find out by intruding on their own quiet pursuits with the blast of speakers and bass.

4. Keep it welcoming and clean. Sure, it may be your space, but staying organized is good for art. So is creating a comfortable environment. Consider installing radiant floor heating for fall and winter, especially if your garage isn't attached to your home's central heating system.

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