Circuit breaker nuisance trips. Dedicated non-GFI circuit, no voltage leak and Ohms are correct.
If the circuit breaker trips occasionally, even when the stat and floor test OK, it may be because of an in-rush on large heating systems. If everything tests OK, try a QO-HID or QOB-HID High-Intensity Discharge Circuit Breaker.
These items are pretty expensive, but they are designed for HID lighting, and are designed for high in-rush applications. Available in local electrical supply store.
If these do not remedy the situation, there might be electrical issues in the house.
QO-HID breakers are plug-on thermal-magnetic circuit breakers that are used in circuits that power High-Intensity Discharge (HID) and fluorescent lighting systems. HID lighting systems can include metal halide, mercury vapor, or high-pressure sodium. QO-HID breakers are physically interchangeable with QO circuit breakers.
QOB-HID breakers are bolt-on thermal-magnetic circuit breakers that are UL listed for use with High-Intensity Discharge (HID) lighting systems. HID lighting systems include mercury vapor, metal halide, and high-pressure sodium. QOB-HID breakers are physically interchangeable with QO circuit breakers, which are plug-on circuit breakers.
Both types of breakers can be used on AC and DC systems to provide overcurrent protection and switching.