Infrapower Ember TUV Listing, cerificates of conformity, EMF, dimensions, weights, ohms, excess cord storage, operating maximum temperature.


Here are the dimensions and ohms for the Ember Radiant panels.  According to the manufacturer, the cord can be stored at the backside of the panel without a problem.

WHITE MIRROR 60/120. Shipping dimensions 51x27x3 on a pallet 62x32x4.5. Weight 41.20 lbs, ship via UPS Freight on a pallet. Average ohms: 18

MIRROR 600 60-90 Box dimensions 40x27x3. Additional box needed for shipping 46x34x10. Weight 30.90 lbs, shipped via UPS Ground. Average ohms: 23

BLACK MIRROR 60/90 Box dimensions 40x27x3. Additional box needed for shipping 46x34x10. Weight 30.90 lbs, Shipped via UPS ground. Average ohms: 23

WHITE GLASS 60/90 Box dimensions 40x24x3. Additional box needed for shipping 46x34x10. Weight 31.25 lbs, Shipped via UPS Ground. Average ohms: 23

BLACK GLASS 800 Box dimensions 51x27x3 Shipped on a pallet 62x32x4.5 Weight 41.2 lbs, Shipped via UPS Freight on pallet. Average ohms: 18

The line cord is approximately 9.5 feet long.

The temperature of Ember units should be around 212F (100C). The maximum temperature is 257F (125C), and is regulated via 4 thermal switches built in the panel (will switch off at 257F (125C) - lower temperature to around 185F (85C) and then switch on again).

All Listing and certificates of conformity (EMF/EMC, etc.) can be found here:

Certificates are attached below

Written by Scott Rosenbaum
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